

No Internet connection or LAN

A few Apple IIes and a few i386 Desktop PCs

Total of 64 computers

Roy Bailey is Hired at IT Director


In the summer of 1994 the first LAN (Local Area Network) was installed at BMS with a speed of 10Mbps

In the summer of 1995 a LAN was setup at BES also with a speed of 10Mbps

1995 was the first Internet connection at .056Mbps

With the completion of Bow High School in 1997 the LAN and WAN was updated district wide to 100 Mbps with an internet connection of .384Mbps

By 1999 there where 494 computers deployed


The first Wi-Fi systems are setup at a speed of 11Mbps

Computer 'Pods' are phased out in favor of comptuer carts

SAU67 becomes one of the first districts in New Hampshire to experiment with remote learning with the Grantie State Distance Learning Network trhough a 300Mbps Internet Connection

BHS News Upgrades their production equptment to NewTek's Video Toaster for PC

By 2005 Automated Lunch payment systems where in place

706 computers deployed by 2006


For some persepctive, in 2007 the first iPhone was released

2007 teachers started getting their own laptops to take home rather than using desktops only at the school

The district migrated to the Infinate Campus SIS in 2010

By 2011 all CRT monitors where phased out completely. This year also saw the introdution of interactiev white boards.

Virtualization of servers started this year. 8 of the 36 servers went virtual.

1:1 is explored but was found to be too expensive. A BYOD at BHS was started instead.


Almost everything is now powered by Google's G Suite for Education (Gmail, Classroom, Drive, Docs, etc.)

ParentSquare is introducted in 2016

SAU 67 IT takes over IT support and mangament for Dunbarton Elementary school, putting all schools on the same technology plan.

By 2018 grades 2 to 12 where fully 1:1 on chromebooks.

In March of 2020 COVID moved 1:1 devices to cover all grades (K-12)

Current network speeds are: 1,000Mbps on the LAN, 10,000Mbps on the LAN, 600Mbps on Wi-Fi

3,091 computers are deployed by 2023

Incident IQ is chosen as the new Helpdesk and Asset Management System


SAU 67 Continues to move applications to the cloud.

3,757 Chromebooks and counting are in service. 207 PCs are in service.

Infinate Campus is retired and replaced by Alma.

For websites, Google Sites is phased out for SchoolBlocks.
Primary website domain switches from 'bownet.org' to 'sau67.org'.

After 31 years with the district Roy Bailey, director of IT retires. Krise Vose is his successor. 

History of SAU 67 IT compiled by Roy Bailey & Connor Parzick.