Info for Staff

Why Student Data Privacy Matters

All of SAU67's stakeholders, teachers, employees, administrators and school board members play an important role in protecting student privacy. With the constant evolution of new online educational apps and tools that can enhance teaching and learning, it is more important than ever that the district take steps to ensure that our students' data and privacy is adequately protected when using online educational resources. It is our responsibility to protect student data from any unauthorized use or collection.

In order to protect student data and privacy, it is important that the district evaluates all 3rd party online educational applications and tools used by students to ensure their terms of use and privacy agreements meet the legal requirements for protecting student data as well as additional district requirements for privacy and security protection. The list of approved online tools can be found by clicking here. Please check that any tool that you are using with your students is on this list. If not, please follow the process in the next section to seek approval to use a new tool with students.

Process for Adopting a New App/Tool

The process to adopt new online apps/tools for student use must be thoughtful. Only apps/tools that are appropriate to meet the instructional goals, are well designed and meet the legal requirements to protect student privacy and data will be approved. SAU67 has adopted a set of Standards when evaluating new App/Online Educational Tools. Before submitting a request for approval of a new App/Online Tool, staff should consider the following:

Once all the above has been considered, a request for approval of a new app/online tool can be submitted.

Request for Approval for New App/Online Tool

To request a new app or tool click here

You will receive an email response to your request upon completion of the vetting process.

Professional Development for Staff

SAU67 recognizes that adequate professional development for staff in the area of student data use and privacy is critical. Below are some initial resources that we encourage all staff to review. Professional Development in this area will also be conducted at the school level each year.

Click here for The Data and Privacy Governance Manual - Need to Know for Staff

Click here for The Educator's Guide To Student Data Privacy (PDF)

Can I bring in my own device to use with my school work?

Yes, but it will not have full access to our network (including printers) and should not be used to access student data if you don't want it subject to right-to-know search and seizure. Best practice is to conduct school business from the device(s) provided by the district.

Video Resources